Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Baby Steps in the right direction

We now have a logo....

....how much longer before we have the real deal??

Photograph sourced from Deccan Herald.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought your "mannine mommaga" would bring bullock carts to B'lore. BTW, what became of the international airport project?

Aparna S Mallya said...

new broom sweeps clean. it's just a matter of time.

sigh... i hope i'll be proved wrong.

Vinayak said...

@ Vijay
The BIAL Project is on track, and construction is going on, i full swing...at least the last time i heard it was

@ Apy
My sentiments exactly

Dev said...

f*ck the logo... they could have spent the time doing something worthwhile...
oh wait... that wouldnt have made front page news now, would it? :)

Anonymous said...

You keep changing templates, not unlike politicians changing parties.